By submitting personal data in electronic form to Word Wizard via this site, you give your consent that all information you submit may be processed in the manner and purpose necessary to conduct our business.

If you only read the site or download information, Word Wizard will capture and store information which will not identify you, such as:


If you submit your contact details for the purposes of inquiry, Word Wizard will endeavour to store those details securely, and will not divulge them to any third party. This includes, but is not restricted to, your name, telephone number, e-mail address, prices quoted for a job, or details of a booking.

Word Wizard will send newsletters and special offer to its contacts from time to time, but all contacts reserve the right to opt out of this service at any time.

All personal information will be handled in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998, and in due course the new General Data Protection Regulation, which comes into force in May 2018.

Word Wizard will ensure your personal details and information are managed confidentially and securely, and only in order to conduct duties specific to Word Wizard.

The personal information collected and maintained by Word Wizard are subject to the version of the internet privacy policy in effect at the time of data collection.

Word Wizard reserves the right to change its privacy policy at any time, and will give notice of any change on the site. You should periodically review the policy to make sure it meets your needs.

This website is not intended for children. Word Wizard does not knowingly solicit nor collect personal information from or about those under 16.

Preparation, maintenance and distribution of this document is the responsibility of Word Wizard. Word Wizard will monitor the procedures in this policy on a regular basis, and adhere to them.


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